Black and White

Black and White Plugin

Turn your black and white photographs into true Fine Art works!


With the new BLACK AND WHITE panel you will have complete control of the creative process of converting your photographs to black and white.

Thanks to the presence of the ZONE SYSTEM and SLIDERS you will be able to customize the contrasts in a very precise way.

See the panel in action!



11-zone histogram

Individual zone selection

Mask for every zone

Thanks to Ansel Adam ZONES SYSTEM it will be possible to update the histogram of the 11 brightness zones and in combination with the Tonality Masks plugin, you will be able to create advanced masks to fine tune the contrast of your BW images.

Black and White Conversion


Black and white filter

Conversion based on color

Dynamic contrast for highlights, midtones and shadows

With the slider dedicated to the BLACK AND WHITE FILTER you can select the starting point for converting the image to black and white.

By using the COLOR slider, you can easily select the starting point of the black and white conversion.



Exposure optimization

Contrast optimization

Lights and shadows optimization

Thanks to the contrast sliders, it will be possible to intervene precisely on the management of: exposure, lights, midtones, shadows, whites, blacks and clarity.

Advanced Clarity


A perfect mix of two filters

Increase the clarity

Improve the softness

By using CLARITY slider you can achieve the perfect mix among contrast, clarity, texture, detail, blur, dehaze and glow.



BW toning

Color fine tuning

Color intensity

With the two sliders dedicated to toning, you can customize your conversion to black and white thanks to a color appearance that recalls some particular effect of the films and developments of the past.



Select the intensity

Select the dimension

Protect lights

With the INTENSITY slider you can increase or decrease the final effect of the vignette.

With the SCALE slider you can easily increase or decrease the extension of vignette.

Finally, by using the MASK slider, you can protect highlights in the vignette.

Get Inspired!



Black and white filter

Channel mixker


By clicking on GET INSPIRED! a set of specific corrections for the conversion to black and white will be generated in a random but controlled manner.

By using this function several times, you will be able to discover interesting conversions that can be the basis for further corrective and finalization effects.

Thanks to LIBRARIES in Adobe Photoshop you can save the most interesting combinations for future use on other images.

BEWARE: this section is addictive!

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